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JavaScript modules

In the JavaScript of Pages and Search templates, it is possible to import JavaScript modules. After the import, the module is available in a variable named the same as the import.

The following example uses the querystring_storage module to store a named data serialized as json in the query-string parameter test-data.

import "querystring_storage";
var storage = querystring_storage.create("test-data", {use_pretty_json: true});
storage.put('sort_by', 'price')
storage.put('filter', 'brand:Nike')

Below follows documentation for the available modules


Provides an API for storing and reading data in the fragment (hash) part of a URL, allowing data to persist across page reloads and be included in links.

To use hash_storage, create an instance with a specified namespace, enabling multiple hash_storage instances to coexist. This is useful when both Pages and Search are used on the same site. Data added to hash_storage instances is serialized as JSON and stored in the URL fragment, with each namespace as its property. The library also detects changes to the URL made by other sources. It is designed to be compatible with other storage libraries like local_storage and querystring_storage.

Module level methods

create(namespace, options)

Creates a new instance of the module

Argument Description
namespace The key in the root level object used to store the data. All instances using the same namespace will see each others data.
options An optional dictionary containing options changing the behaviour of the object. The available options are clear_history_state and use_pretty_json. Setting clear_history_state to true will make the library set the data part to null in the replaceState call from the history api. Setting use_pretty_json to true will encode the query-string using our own library. The aim of this is to make the URL shorter and easier to read. If false it will use the native encodeURIComponent(), which results in a longer query-string.

Instance level methods

put(key, value)

Saves value in the storage under key.


Returns the value stored under key. Returns undefined if there is no stored value.

get_or_default(key, default_value)

Returns the value stored under key. If there is no stored value it returns the value in default_value.


Returns a list of all defined keys in the storage.


Deletes everything in the storage.


import "hash_storage";
var storage = querystring_storage.create("test-data", {use_pretty_json: true});
storage.put('filter', 'brand:Nike')
var filter = storage.get('filter')


Provides an API for storing and reading data in a query-string variable in the URL, allowing data to persist across reloads and be included in links.

To use querystring_storage, create an instance with a specified namespace, enabling multiple querystring_storage instances to coexist. This is useful when both Pages and Search are used on the same site. The data is serialized as JSON and stored in a query-string variable named after the namespace. The library also detects changes to the URL made by other sources and is designed to be compatible with other storage libraries like hash_storage and local_storage.

Module level methods

create(namespace, options)

Creates a new instance of the module

Argument Description
namespace The name of the query-string variable the data will be saved in. All instances using the same namespace will see each others data.
options An optional dictionary containing options changing the behaviour of the object. The two currently available options are use_pretty_json and clear_history_state. Setting clear_history_state to true will make the library set the data part to null in the replaceState or pushState call from the history api. Setting use_pretty_json to true will encode the query-string using our own library. The aim of this is to make the URL shorter and easier to read. If false it will use the native encodeURIComponent() which results in a longer query-string.

Instance level methods

put(key, value, push)

Saves value in the storage under key. The push variable determines if the data should be added to the url by calling pushState or replaceState. The default is to use replaceState (push = false).


Returns the value stored under key or undefined if there is no stored value.

get_or_default(key, default_value)

Returns the value stored under key. If there is no stored value it returns the value in default_value.


Returns a list of all defined keys in the storage.


Deletes everything in the storage. The push variable determines if the data should be added to the url by calling pushState or replaceState. The default is to use replaceState (push = false).


import "querystring_storage";
var storage = querystring_storage.create("test-data", {use_pretty_json: true});
storage.put('filter', 'brand:Nike')
var filter = storage.get('filter')

Examples use_pretty_json

Both hash_storage and querystring_storage have access to the use_pretty_json value in the options parameter. The following JSON input would therfore result the following query-string for URL:

Input: {"hr-search":{"sorting":[],"filters":[],"search_term":"Shoes","offsets":{"category":12,"site_page":10,"product":10}}}

use_pretty_json Result
true (hr-search:(search_term:Shoes))
false %7B%22hr-search%22%3A%7B%22sorting%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22filters%22%3A%5B%5D%2C%22


Provides an API for storing and reading data in window.localStorage, allowing data to persist across page reloads.

To use local_storage, create an instance with a specified namespace, enabling multiple local_storage instances to coexist. This is useful when both Pages and Search are used on the same site. The library is designed to be compatible with other storage libraries like hash_storage and querystring_storage.

Module level methods


Creates a new instance of the module.

Argument Description
namespace The key in the root level object used to store the data. All instances using the same namespace will see each others data.

Instance level methods

put(key, value)

Saves value in the storage under key.


Returns the value stored under key. Returns undefined if there is no stored value.

get_or_default(key, default_value)

Returns the value stored under key. If there is no stored value it returns the value in default_value.


Returns a list of all defined keys in the storage.


Deletes everything in the storage.


import "local_storage";
var storage = querystring_storage.create("test-data");
storage.put('filter', 'brand:Nike')
var filter = storage.get('filter')


Library that can be used to load external style sheets. Given a URL pointing to a style sheet it will be loaded and injected into the page. The style_loader will keep track of any loaded style sheets and will automatically unload them if the reload method is called in helloretail.js

Module level methods


Loads and injects a stylesheet.


url: URL to a stylesheet.


import "style_loader";


A library for creating UIs with full screen overlays. The library will automatically handle opening multiple overlays on top of each other.

Module level methods


Returns a new overlay object. It accepts an options object. The object can have two properties, show which can be a function that is called when the overlay has been opened, and hide which is called when the overlay is closed.

The returned object is a DOM node that you can add content to. The returned object also has some extra methods for showing and hiding the overlay.

Instance level methods


Makes the overlay visible. Accepts a callback parameter that can be a function that is called once the overlay has been opened.


Hides the overlay.


Hides the overlay and removes it from the DOM. After calling this the overlay cannot be opened again.


import "ui_overlay_vanilla";
var overlay = ui_overlay_vanilla.create();
var content = document.createElement("div");
content.innerHTML = '<h1>Welcome</h1>';


A helper library for creating a tabbed UI. Given HTML document with a element containing a number of tab navigation links and another element containing the actual tab content, this library will make it possible to click the tab links to switch between the tabs.

Module level methods

create(root, options)

Activate a tabbed UI, inside DOM element passed in root.

Options is an object that contains the following properties:

Property Description
header_area A CSS selector for finding the container holding the tab navigation links. Each direct child of this element will be used as navigation links. Each element must contain a data-tab attribute identifying the tab that should be activated by this element.
content_area A CSS selector for finding the container holding the actual tab data. Each tab must contain a data-tab attribute identifyting the tab. The identifiers must be identical to the ones in the header area.
on_change A callback that is called when the tab changes. The callback will be passed two arguments, the DOM element from the content_area that was activated, and a boolean indicating if the tab was activated by a user click.
on_scroll A callback that is called when the content of a tab is scrolled.


Given the following HTML

<div id="tab-area">
    <div id="tabs">
        <li data-tab="A">Show A</li>
        <li data-tab="B">Show B</li>
    <div id="tab-content">
        <div data-tab="A">
            <h1>This is A</h1>
        <div data-tab="B">
            <h1>This is B</h1>
This JavaScript will activate the UI

import "ui_tabs_vanilla";
        header_area: "#tabs",
        content_area: "#tab-content",
        on_change: function(tab, is_user_click) {
            console.log("Activated tab", tab);


A collection of helper methods.

Module level methods


Make the provided list of DOM elements (or single DOM element) visible by making them display: block


import "ui_utility_vanilla";"p"));


Make the provided list of DOM elements (or single DOM element) hidden by making them display: none


import "ui_utility_vanilla";


Check if the provided DOM element is visible, i.e. not display: none


import "ui_utility_vanilla";

fix_links(content, prefix)

URLs returned from the various Hello Retail APIs have tracking codes links appended to them. This function will look for tracking links with the prefix prefix and remove them from the link, and instead add a click handler that tracks a click on the tracking code before following the link. This makes the URLs the customers are seeing and clicking prettier, while maintaining the tracking. The available prefixes are:

Prefix Feature
ps Search
pb Recoms
pa Pages
nc Newsletter Content
te Triggered Emails


import "ui_utility_vanilla";
ui_utility_vanilla.fix_links(document.querySelector("#my-recom"), "pb");

debounce(callback, wait)

Helper for debouncing calls to a function. Returns a new function that when called will call the callback function with the same arguments, but it will make sure that the underlying function is only called one there has been a break in calls of at least the number of milliseconds given in wait


import "ui_utility_vanilla";
function log(messaage) {
var debounced_logger = ui_utility_vanilla.debounce(log, 200);
log("test 1");
debounced_logger("test 2");
debounced_logger("test 3");
setTimeout(function() {
    debounced_logger("test 4");
}, 300);
The example will output

test 1
test 3
test 4

The debounce function is useful for limiting the rate of event handlers that can fire rapidly (e.g., scroll, resize, mousemove).

throttle(callback, wait, options)

Helper for throttling function calls to ensure it's invoked at most once per specified wait period. It returns a new function that, when called, will execute the original function with the same arguments. Options allow control over execution at the beginning (leading) and/or at the end (trailing) of the wait period. By default, both options are set to true, meaning the function will run immediately on the first call and once more at the end of the wait period if additional calls occur during this time.

Notice that setting both leading and trailing to false will make the callback never be called.


import "ui_utility_vanilla";
function log(messaage) {
var throttled_logger = ui_utility_vanilla.throttle(log, 200, {leading: true, trailing: true});
log("test 1");
throttled_logger("test 2");
throttled_logger("test 3");
setTimeout(function() {
    throttled_logger("test 4");
}, 100);
setTimeout(function() {
    throttled_logger("test 5");
}, 300);
The example will output:

test 1
test 2
test 4
test 5

The throttle function is useful for limiting the rate of event handlers that can fire rapidly (e.g., scroll, resize, mousemove).


Returns and object with width and height of the current window.


import "ui_utility_vanilla";
const size = ui_utility_vanilla.window_size();

register_filter(filter, callback, searcher, optionals)

Utility for activating "interactivity" on filtering and sorting UI generated by the specialized liquid filters available in search and pages templates. The function expects certain class names and DOM layout that is generated by these filters. Read more about the filters in the Search template guide.

Arguments Description
filter The DOM element containing the filter, generated by the liquid helper.
callback A callback that will be called when the selected filter value changes.
searcher Searcher instance being used to perform the searching.
optionals Object containing optional parameters. Currently only rangeSliderDecimals is supported. It determines how may decimals should be shown in the range slider output from range filters.


import "ui_utility_vanilla";
var filters = overlay.querySelectorAll(".aw-filter__single-wrapper");
filters.forEach(function(filter) {
    ui_utility_vanilla.register_filter(filter, function() {
    }, searcher);


A module for managing calls to the Search API. It helps with pagination, handling both product and content results, and with filtering and sorting search results. Actual searches are triggered by calling the yield_template or the initial_render methods.

Module level methods


Create a new searcher. Some initial options can be set in the options object.

Option Description
return_filters a boolean indicating if the next search should include available filters in the result.
search_key The key of the search config to use.
id Id of the version of the search config to use. This is only used when testing draft versions of a search config.

Instance level properties


A property that can be used to get the currently applied filters and to set new filters. When the filters are modified the search instance will reset its internal pagination and the next request to get results will start from offset zero.


A property that can be used to get the currently applied sorting and to set new sorting. When the sorting is modified the search instance will reset its internal pagination and the next request to get results will start from offset zero.


The search therm that will be used on the next search request. When the search term is modified the search instance will reset its internal pagination and the next request to get results will start from offset zero. Notice that modifying the search term also resets/removes any sorting and filters applied.


Get the current offsets (pagination information) for each of the search engines, product and enabled content types.


Set this list to a comma-separated list of field names that you want returned. Requesting fewer fields will increase the performance of the search API call. If it is not set, all fields will be returned. Make sure that you are not using any fields in the liquid template that you are not requesting here.

Instance level methods


Sends a search request that fetches available filters, if return_filters is true. It will also return any configured initial content. The callback is called when the results are ready. It is passed one argument which is a function that can be called with a CSS selector to get some part of the HTML response.


Sends a search request that fetches the next page of search results, for all configured search engines that still have more results. It is passed one argument which is a function that can be called with a CSS selector to get some part of the HTML response.