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Introduction to the Hello Retail JavaScript SDK

Command Descripton Example
getCustomerBias Gets customer bias Customer bias
getTrackingOptOut Opts the user out of tracking Opt in and out of Tracking
getTrackingUserId Get's the user id for tracking Getting the trackingUserId
loadPage Loads a particular page Loading page content using JavaScript
loadRecom Loads the recommendations Recoms using Javascript SDK
reload Reloads the current page Reloading for view tracking and initialization
search Fetches a search resultset Sending search requests
setCart Setting and clearing the cart Cart tracking using the SDK
setCustomerEmail Sets the user email Register email on tracking user
setCustomerId Sets a custom user id Set a custom id on your customer
setTrackingOptOut Updates the user tracking profile Opt-in and -out of tracking
trackClick Tracks clicks on Search, Pages and Recommendations Click tracking
trackConversion Tracks a user purchase/conversion Conversion tracking
trackPageView Tracks a user page view View tracking
triggeredEmailSubscribe Subscribes user to triggered emails Subscribe using the SDK